Do What Matters Community Film
Do What Matters Community Film
Do What Matters Community Film

The power of our action to impact others.

In today’s China, successful, ultra high-net-worth individuals are looking beyond their personal achievements and strive to do their part to contribute to the larger society. The Durant Guild’s mission is to bring together a community of these visionary individuals, who may come from all walks of life, but share the same believe of “what I do matters.” This belief gives us the strength to persevere, be fearless in challenging the status quo, and take calculated risk to define our way for the betterment of the future — for our loved ones and for the society. The challenge is how do we appeal to them in a genuine, authentic way.

This film serves as an invitation to those fearless ones to be a part of the Durant Guild. Through honest yet beautiful vignettes of various fearless doers turning their passion into action, we excited our audience to join the calling and “Do What Matters” with the Durant Guild, together.

Do What Matters 60s Film

Bringing together a fearless community for the betterment of the future.